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Zhao Dai Club 25


Embracing new possibilities.

Zhao Dai Club 23-24
For the past two years, we‘ve compiled a hefty collection of electronic archives for Zhao Dai Club, as always, keeping the creativity flowing has been an absolute joy and we’re excited to share this happiness with you all, and of course, it goes with our poster picks from picks.

Zhao Dai pres. Series
"Zhao Dai pres." is the club's exclusive event series aimed at bringing in exceptional talents from around the globe.

Since the introduction, the poster motifs have experienced subtle adjustments nearly every year. In the latest approach, we adopted a playful and recurring typographic element that holds symbolic significance related to the featured headliner. Moreover, the design incorporates two color blocks – one consistently in black and the other showcasing alternating color schemes. As the ultimate goal is all about suit the essence of each international talent invited to grace the stage.

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